1. Stamp duty-Registration fee concession G.O.M.S. 795/60/agrl. dt. 8.10.1960
2. Expenses on cases filed by committee members Cir. 35/69
3. GOMS 473/80 dt. 9.12.80:Housing Co-ops. permitted their staffs as members for house loans.
4. Visit abroad by DB members prior permission of Registrar. Cir. No. 54/83,54/08
5. Prohibitation of duel membership in credit-housing Societies. Cir. No. 12/85
6. Maintenance of fluid resource by co-op societies Cir. No. 40/85
7. All PACS /Urban Bank must deposit their funds only in DCB. Cir. N
8. Endorsement in Ration card for loans up to Rs. 50,000/- Reg. Cir. No. 38/90
9. Minutes Book Cir. No. 11/72, 27/98 17/06
10. Fees to Advocates cir. 78/11
11. rivilage to Co.ops will be withdrawn if it is not affiliated to Coop union Cir. 22/75
12. Circulated Resolution Cir.
13. Work Distribution Cir. 16/98
14. Unarvu Cir. 9/12, 5/13, 26/13, 51/13
15. Ente Sangam Cir. 12/12
16. Security Measures Cir. 33/09, 1/13
17. Sevanavakasam Cir. 69/13
18. AR/VO Limit of Loan Valuation Duties Cir. 43/13, 8/12
19. Section 32, (Direction From Supreme Court) Cir. 45/13
20. Restriction on disclosure of the details inspection, enquiry, audit Cir. 16/87
21. Departmental officer's detailed and Surprise Inspection Reg. Cir. No. 53/93, 13/94
22. Verification & Valuation of Property by Managing Committee Cir. 30/05.
23. Bonus Deputation officers Cir. 28/98, 35/99
24. Practice of giving gift to members to discontinue Cir. 6/2000.
25. Starting prize scheme for mobilizing deposit-ban. Cir. 40/88.
26. Regulate Holidays change of time -Direction reg. Cir.48/2000., 43/05, 22/14, 27/14
27. Sharelinking Cir. 11/02, 37/13
28. Co-operative recovery- payment of minimum salary No.10/98/Fin.dt. 9.2.98
29. Securitization Act in Co-operative Bank Cir. 50/03.
30. Installation of Telephone in the residence of officers of society. Cir. 13/95, 36/05, 24/9
31. Mis utilization of funds reg. Cir. 2/87. 22/11, 25/83
32. Controlling expenses Directions reg. Cir. 32/01.55/03., 17/13
33. Housing Loan & OD to Co-operative Employees Cir. 43/99.52/06. 64/07, 8/10, 42/1
34. Remitting Sales tax on auction of Gold Ornaments. C.P. 2) 14284/03 dt. 27.12.03.
35. Disqualification of membership of committee. Cir. 32/89
36. Implementing Court Direction on disqualification of committee members. Cir. 41/88
37. Insuring Gold Ornaments Directions. Cir. 49193.
38. Verification and Insuring Gold Ornaments Direction reg. Cir. 35/2005.
39. Permission to start Gold Loan at Employees Co-op. Societies. Cir. 52/93.
40. Issue receipts to the Loan applications, enclosures Cir. 48/92.
41. Monthly deposit scheme Cir. 36/12, Cir 2/14 Cancelled by Cir 9/14)
42. Co-operative Consultancy Services regulating its working. Cir. 56/06.
43. Computerisation records and registers as per rule 29. Cir. 57/06,Guidlines 57/06
44. Opening of No Frill Accounts in Co-operatives. Cir. 48/07.
45. Instruction regarding removal of long ding items in adi, head Cir si/75,44/69 (Write off)
46. Guidelines for preparation of Sr. inspector/Auditor and above Cir. No. 12/78
47. Duties to be performed by Asst. Registrar, Joint Registrar's officersReg. Cir,No. 46/82
48. Guidelines regarding proposal for of officer IR (14) reg 409/94 28.6.94 payment of of allowance Cir No. 39/85
49. Duties and functions of Deputy Registrar (vigi )Reg. Cir. No. 20/2001, 42/2000, 42/2001
50. Govt. Employees who are eligible to travel in I class compartment will be entitled to travel AC Coaches. 1225/2000dt.17.10.2000
51. ID cards of tech. depts. in the rank of Inspector above. G.O.PNo.442/2002 dt. 10.2002
52. Monthly Conference of PACS Cir. 17198
53. Deposit Excess Fund Cir. 65/13
54. Classification of Urban Bank Cir. 53/13
55. Security Deposit and Collateral Security Cir. 17/7s, 8280
56. Giving Salary by using Societies Deposit Baning Cir. 73/13
57. ADB Legal Fee Cir. 34/13
58. Social Committed Ciroulars ALILA 4314, Paper Bag on 3912. Rain 50/14, 36/15
59. Keep the copy of records handed over to police in time of misappropriation Cir. 37l86
60. Procedure to handed over files to Vigi. officer Section 38A, Cir.3208
61. Mobile Phone Charge President Cir. 22/11, Phone 13/95
62. Criminal against Employees and Board Members Cir. 1179
63. General Body Expense Ceiling 27/A15
64. Member Relief Fund in Societies 24/2015
65. Common Liquidation Fund Utilization 12/15Dt. 9.3.2015.
66. Fees Rates Revised fordifferent purposesofCooperatives56/2014dt.6.12.2014.
67. Honorarium of president, Vice president of PACS rivised 49/2014 dt.10.11.14
68. Debt relief47/2014 dt. 18.10.20f4.
69. Housing Loan of Co-operative Employees rivised 17/2015 dt.28.3.2015
70. Govt. Assistants- registers tobe mentained in offices 15/2015 dt.25.3.2015
71. Housing Loan limit enhanced toemployees of co-op. 17/2015
72. Saturday holiday in cooperatives 41/2015
73. Amendment of bylaw and registration of co-op 8/2015, 21/2015
1. Cir.No. 48/75, 38/77, 16/86, 43s6, 21/95, 43/03, 312, 6813, 12/2015LOAN
1. Loan Limit Cir. 20/12, 16/14, 26/14, 43/20152. Security of Loans Cir. 75/93, 45/05
3. Loan on Chitti Cir. 3/02
1. Interest Sub Vention Cir. 15/13, 77H32. Interest Rebate on prompt Re-Payment Cir.
3. Interest on Interest Directions to Stop the practice Cir. 20/06, 4813
4. Interest Collection in Excess of loan Principal. 55/06, 30/07
5. Rate; (Cancelation of Cir. 40/10) Cir 5913. (Re-Instate the Cir. 49/10)82/13
6. Interest Rates of Loan Cir. 23/14
7. Interest of SB Accout Cir. 42/07
8. Interest Additional on Deposits of Employees Cir. 5/93
9. Special Rate to Senior Citizen's Deposits Cir. 43/01, 79/13
10. Interest rate modified 62/2014, 30/2015, 42/2015
11. Interest relief on loans 6/2015
1. Reserve for Agricultural Loans Cir. 15/052. Reserve for (Loans Cir. 40/07) 63/89, 10375
3. Preparation of Audit Defect Cir. 27168, 11/71, 22s3, 58/83, 12197, 13/13
4. Appointment of Privet Auditors Cir. 32/69
5. Over Due Loan Principal and Interest Reserve Creation Cir. 40/2007
6. on Production of Books for Audit-Prosecution under Section 94(B)Cir3470,267,6V76
7. Committee and G.B. Meetings in which Audit Cirtificate to be Discussed Cir. 10275
8. Submission of Audit Lists in time Cir. 28/03
9. Method of arriving at net profit contemplated in RulesTreatmentofoDinterest on loans issued by Co.op. Societies Cir. No. 43/69
10. Creation of adequate reserve to bad and doubtful debts and other assets Cir. No. 103/75
11. Follow up actioninthe Gen-wing regardingthe Audit ofdefects fumished by theauditors Gr1480
12. Auditors posted under rule 156 part IKSR will hold a discussion Regarding Summary of defects with the board of directors before finalisation of audit report. Cir. No. 65/82
13. Directions regarding removing of audit objection Cir. No. 26/91
14. Reserve Removal on Loans under Settled under OTS Cir. No. 18/04
15. Types of Classes of Socities Audit Certificate Issued by RCS Cir. No.24/99
16. Bad and Doubtful Debts of ADB Cir. No. 51/93, 70/93
17. KSR 156 Auditors H.Q. Reg. Cir. No. 5/77
18. Audit Classification Cir. No. 677
19. Depreciation Cir. No. 26/72, 101175, 5/03
20. Changing of HQ of Auditors under KSR 156 Cir. No. 577
21. Transfer ofAuditors-Relive only after getting due Audit reports CirNo.6287, ADL(5) 10744/89
22. Interest 1/2015
1. Disposal of dispute monetary limit Cir. No. 60/072. Procedure to be adopted for the disposal of ARC pending wants records. Cir. No. 11m
3. Details regarding issue of summons in ARC -Cir. No.35/82, 46/81
4. Guidelines regarding use of receipt books by Sale Officers- Cir. No.24/94
5. Limits of Monetory Cases Cir. No. 29/01
6. Using of Receipt Books by SSO Cir. No. 24/94
7. Delay in ARC Disposal Cir. No. 37191
8. Award Excess of Bond Amount Cir. No. 1/86, 35/90
9. Award Preparation Cir. No. 54/13
10. Sale Publication Cir. No. 56/03
11. Stoping of Execution Cir. No. 10/06, 26/06
12. Appearing of Advocats Cir. No. 3371
13. Referring Non Monetory Disputes to Arbitration Court Cir. No. 26/03
14. Sale of Property Comply Legal formalties Cir. No. 5/92
15. Arbitration Revision under section 87 Cir. No. 51/87
16. Use of Police in Execution Cir. No. 36/85
18. Arbitration Monitory Limit enhanced 53/2014
19. Arbitration Fee revised 58/2014
20. Arbitration time limit fixed 28/2015
1. Election Fees Fixed 54/20142. Annual G B. and Election Cir. No. 50/13
3. Defaulter Disqualification Cir. No. 20/83
4. Election Stoping Continue Cir. No. 66/83
5. Remunaration of Staff (GO 120/07 Co.op.Dt. 22/02/07) Cir. No. 23/07
6. Election Expense Cir. No. 19194, 34l09, 26/11
7 Meaning of the Tearm Notice and "Intimation' Cir. No. 4987
8. Printing of Ballot Paper in Malayalam Cir. No. 50/83
1. Criteria for recruitment of employees in co-op. aug 87/2015-monn. olgol 15.7.2015.2. Procedure recruitment appointment Cir.No. 18/91, 14/10, 79/11
3. Newspaper Advertisement for Appointment Cir. No. 1199.
4. Restriction to dept. officers in conducting Test Cir. No. 12/90
5. Reservation to SC/ST Communities. Cir. No. 38/87, 46/89, 19/10
6. 3% Reservation to Physically Handicapped Cir. No. 54/11
7. Employment Assistance to dependents Cir.No. 26/89.
8. Approval of the Irregular appointment made upto 30-06-80 No EM 12151/81 dt 1707si
9. Primary Housing Co-op. Societies Appointment Written Test Reg. Cir. No.29/03
10. Promotion of subordinate staff to Typist Post. Cir.No. 44/o6.
11. Nativity Certificate Cir. No. 14/10
12. Collection Agent Appraiser Cir. No. 4/06, 10/05
13. Ban of appointment of Retired Persons Cir. No. 20/87
14. Action Against irregular appointments Cir. No. 5/87
1. Promotion of Subordinate Staff to post of Junior Clerk Typist Cir.No. 37l84. 37A8, 4lo6.2. Post of Appraiser equalising to the post jr. clerk Cir. No. 57lo3.
3. Date of Effect of Relaxation of qualification Cir. No. 3S/86, 5/89, 31/13
4. Classification Society and Qualification Cir. No. 32/ 13, 53/13
5. Qualification to Consider with Pre revised Scale No. (EM)1.1062/82 dt.15.06.82
6. Sanction of newly created posts, Cir. No. 24/96.
7. Including in Feeder Category Non Approved Posts Cir. No. 50/98.
8. Protection envisaged in Rule 200. Cir. No. 63/93.
9. Training of Employees -Allowance not admissible Cir. No. 50/89.
10. Exemption from Educational Qualifications Cir. No. 5/89, 22/89, 26/90, 7198, 6/09, 311
13, GO(MS) 16/89 dt. 2.3.89, GO(P) 197/2005 dt. 10.08.2005
11. Short term training for employees of Co-op. societies as per Rule 185(1) Cir. No 2011 & i1.
12. Qualifying Examination Cir. No. 15/11
1. Fixation of Pay Cir. No. 2/912. Fixation when change of classification Cir. No. 1088, 46/88, 291, 16/01,
3. Time bound higher grade Go(MS) 7196 dt. 25.1.96, Cir. No. 15197
4. Fourth Higher Grade GO(MS) 519/08 dt. 13/8/08, Cir. No. 71/08
5. Charge Allowance Cir.No. 59/03, 3/04
6. PT Employees wages & Retirement CirNo. 4600, 37/10, 408, Letter EMG) 10643/07 dt. 30.0407
7. Pay Revision Cir. No. 27/11
8. Pay scale of Staff Neethi Medical stores. Go(P 109Mo9 dt.16.08.08,Cir.No. 2010,51Mos,
9. Wages to Daily collectors Appraisers Cir. No. 406,38Vo7, 27/o9, GO 189/o9, dt.13.11.09
10. Pension Employees Cir. No. 28/12, 44/12,
11. Payment of Gratuity Cir. No. 46/79, 6/88, 1190, 25/99
12. Provident Fund Cir. No. 22 81, 52189, 11/90
13. Bonus Cir. No. 76/80, 46/83, 56/83 (A)
14. Adoption of Leave Rules Cir. No. 24/71
15. Accumilation of Leave Cir. No. 35/76, 10/77, 64/80
16. Surrender of Earned Leave Cir. No. 7190, 16/95, 4/99 GO(P) 232/95 dtd.21.3.95
17. Casual Leave & Special Casual Leave and LWA to Presidents to Local bodies Cir No. 2/81, 47/89, 34/2003, EM2 51267/89 dt. 23.6.90 GOMS 14299 dt.28.3.89